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import numpy as np
N_SAMPLES = 100000
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=42)
loaded_gun = np.array((1,1,0,0,0,0))
Let's now sample indexes (from 0 to 5) and see whether we survive
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sampled_position = rng.integers(low=0,high=5)
shoot = loaded_gun[sampled_position]
if shoot:
print("BAM! You are dead! Sorry")
print("Pheew, you survived!")
BAM! You are dead! Sorry
Since we are drawing position at random, we would expect to die $\frac{2}{6}$ of the times, so $33\%$
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sampled_positions = rng.integers(low=0,high=6,size=N_SAMPLES)
shoots = loaded_gun[sampled_positions]
print("You died with a probability of roughly: ", sum(shoots)/len(shoots))
You died with a probability of roughly: 0.33169
Option 1: Rotating the Cylinder¶
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sampled_first_shoots = rng.integers(low=0,high=6,size=N_SAMPLES)
sampled_second_shoots = rng.integers(low=0,high=6,size=N_SAMPLES)
shoots = loaded_gun[sampled_first_shoots] + loaded_gun[sampled_second_shoots]
survive = shoots == 0
print("You survived with a probability of roughly: ", sum(survive)/len(survive))
You survived with a probability of roughly: 0.44456
Option 2: Not rotating the Cylinder¶
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sampled_first_shoots = rng.integers(low=0,high=6,size=N_SAMPLES)
second_shoots = (sampled_first_shoots + 1) % 6 # added the mod operation to wrap around
shoots = loaded_gun[sampled_first_shoots] + loaded_gun[second_shoots]
survive = shoots == 0
print("You survived with a probability of roughly: ", sum(survive)/len(survive))
You survived with a probability of roughly: 0.50164